Web on Demand Features

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Last updated: July 18th, 2018

Manage Content

Have complete control over every single aspect of your site with a single screen that a allow you to Add, Edit, Delete, Order and Duplicate, Pages, Items layouts

Embedded Interface

The ultimate user-friendly interface, No back-end, and No admin-page. the controls to edit the content are embedded in the page so a user can click and interact with the content directly on their website.

On-screen Editing

Edit the content of a page directly by clicking and typing. New content automatically saves once the editing box is clicked out of and changes can be undone and redone by Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y respectively. Developers can designate content as on-screen editable by appending the Editable_ tag to an existing database tag. For example:

Edit the content of a page directly by clicking and typing. New content automatically saves once the editing box is clicked out of and changes can be undone and redone by Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y respectively. Developers can designate content as on-screen editable by appending the Editable_ tag to an existing database tag. For example: ##Editable_Body## makes the body of the item editable by an on-screen click.

makes the body of the item editable by an on-screen click.

Paginated Tables Editor

Click on a database cell to edit value. Type and enter to save.

The Tables Editor, which lists the database records, limits the amount of records viewed on the screen and includes a page navigation. All available records, however numerous, can be viewed and accessed from the Tables Editor.

Meaning of Each Record

*Note: Over here we'll explain Styled Views, ItemSets, Etc.


explanation goes here


explanation goes here


explanation goes here


explanation goes here


explanation goes here


explanation goes here


explanation goes here


explanation goes here


explanation goes here

How to Delete a Record
How to Edit a Record
Security for Server Interaction

When instructions are sent to alter the data on the server, the commands are encrypted with a randomized string so restricted data cannot be altered.

Accessibility Apps

Web accessibility is becoming a more prominent inclusion in modern websites. Add an accessibility app to remove barriers that prevent interaction with websites. For example, increase text size, have the website’s content read aloud, etc.

*Note: Along with this, we'll categorize all of the "apps" provided in our system as subheaders
e.g. mailchimp, the search box, youtube, contact form, etc.

E-Commerce Module

Install the e-commerce module to turn items into products with options to edit prices and product variations, add products to a dynamic cart, save products to a wishlist and more.

Domain Names

Pages can be given a more "readable” web address improving search engine exposure.


"Undo” and revert to a previous version of content or layout.

File Manager

Allow the users to easily upload and manage their assets from within the site.

Extract .zip Files in File Manager

Upload and right click to extract zip files to the File Manager.

Edit CSS and JS files

Right click to edit CSS and JS files with syntax highlighting within the editor.

Export Site

Export a complete static version of a website.


Install apps from the app store to add unique functionalities to a web page. Here is our initial list


add a blog to a website

Contact form

add a contact form to a website. Determine the number of fields and labels the form will have.

Google Map

add Google maps to a website. Determine the address, locational label, width, height and zoom for each map added.


add an Instagram feed to a website


add Mailchimp features to a website

Search Box

add a search box to a website


add Youtube videos to a website. Determine the width and height of each video added.

Layout Builder
Preview Container

On the Layout Builder, preview a container to drag-and-drop by clicking on its image. This opens the isolated container in a new screen so it is more visible and its function can be previewed.


Learn How To Use Web on Demand's Layout Builder Here!

Layout Builder Docs


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App Store


Choose from a variety of themes/templates!



Read through the variety of features we have.


Launch Your . . .

Premium Website with Web on Demand

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Get a custom, secure, and easy-to-use website today from Web on Demand. Our advanced Web on Demand Content Management System (CMS) provides elegant and intuitive web solutions to meet your growing business needs.

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  •    Templates
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  •    Protected Access to Our CMS
  •    Extensive documentation
  •    Video tutorials